Are the Myths Surrounding Laser Reduction Confusing You? Let’s Find the Answers!

Are the Myths Surrounding Laser Reduction Confusing You

Hair growth is a physiological phenomenon that cannot be stopped. However, you can eliminate unwanted hair through laser hair reduction treatment. The advantage is that hair’s appearance is ultimately used after a series of treatments and can be done anywhere on the body.

Do you still need clarification about whether laser hair reduction treatment is proper? Then, let’s debunk a few myths.

  • Myth 1: After laser hair reduction treatment, the hair becomes denser and rough

No, laser hair reduction treatment does not make the hair rough, coarse, or dense. However, after a few treatment sessions, the density of hair growth successively decreases. The thickness of the hair also decreases, and changes are noticed after every treatment session.

  • Myth 2: Laser hair removal is painful

No, laser hair reduction treatment is not painful, but you might experience sudden discomfort based on your tolerance level and how treatment is done. A topical numbing cream is used on patients susceptible to pain and does not affect the treatment outcome. Also, you need to get the laser treatment from a trained, experienced, and professional healthcare practitioner.

  • Myth 3: Laser hair reduction treatment causes cancer

Every laser used for the laser hair reduction treatment is FDA-approved, only removing the skin’s upper dry layer without damaging the skin tissues. So, a laser treatment improves the skin texture for every treated area.

  • Myth 4: Laser hair removal causes heavy side effects

No, a laser hair removal procedure might use a laser beam to reduce hair, but it is entirely safe. This hair reduction treatment uses a gentle beam of light absorbed by the hair follicles and converted into heat. However, if you have sensitive skin, a redness can appear on the skin, but it is temporary, and no long-term side effects are seen.

  • Myth 5: Laser treatment is costlier than waxing

LaserLaser hair reduction treatment may seem costlier than waxing, but you only need to go through a few sessions to get rid of the hair. However, waxing is a life-long process, so when compared to laser treatment, waxing takes up a significant part of the expenditure. Laser hair reduction is safe, cost-effective, and shows more positive results than waxing.

  • Myth 6: Laser treatment makes the skin dark

No, laser hair reduction treatment doesn’t make the skin dark, as the entire process is conducted by qualified and trained healthcare practitioners who use the right laser beam concentration to avoid darkening the skin. Instead, the light targets the melanin of the hair follicles instead of the skin, which deactivates these follicles and reduces hair growth. Laser Hair Removal


Always hire certified and well-trained doctors to book a Laser Hair Removal. With persistent laser treatment, you do not need shaving, waxing, or any other hassles to remove hair. The laser treatment session can vary from 2 to 6, depending on the hair growth, which differs from individual to individual.

If you have any queries, discuss them with the experts before you undergo the treatment. Clarify all your doubts right at the start.

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